Nordisk spørreskjema om barns utvikling og atferd / Parent Questionnaire for Evaluation of Development and Behaviour in 5–15-year old Children
Anegen Trillingsgaard
FTF (Five to Fifteen, 5-15) - Nordisk Spørgeskema om Barnets Udvikling og Adfærd. Litteraturliste over studier hvori FTF, Nordisk spørgeskema om barnets udvikling og adfærd indgår: I alt 15 artikler, hvorav 9 svenske, tre danske og tre finske.
Airaksinen EM, Michelsson K & Jokela V. (2004). The occurrence of inattention, hyperactivity, impulsivity and coexisting symptoms in a population study of 471 6-8-year old children based on the Five to Fifteen questionnaire. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. Vol 13. Supplement 3: 23-30.
Bohlin G & Janols LO. (2004). Behavioural problems and psychiatric symptoms in 5-13 year-old Swedish children – a comparison of parent ratings on the FTF (Five to Fifteen) with the ratings on CBCL (Child behaviour Checklist). European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. Vol 13. Supplement 3, 14-22.
Bruce B, Thernlund, G & Nettelbladt, U. (2006). ADHD and language impairment. A study of the parent questionnaire FTF (Five to Fifteen). European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. Vol 15: 52-60.
Farooqi A, Hägglöf B, Sedin G, Gothefors L & Serenius F. Executive Functions, Language and Learning Skills in Children Born at 23-25 weeks’ gestation in the 1900s: A Swedish Prospective Follow-Up Study. Submitted 2008. Beskrevet her:
Hölcke M, Marcus C, Gillberg C,& Fernell E. (2008) Paediatric obesity: a neurodevelopmental perspective. Acta Pædiatrica, 97: 819-821.
Kadesjö B, Janols LO, Korkman M, Mickelsson K, Strand G, Trillingsgaard A & Gillberg C. (2004). FTF (Five to Fifteen): The development of a parent questionnaire for the assessment of ADHD and comorbid conditions. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. Vol 13. Supplement 3: 3-13.
Kopp S, Beckung E & Gillberg C (2010) Developmental coordination disorder and other motor control problems in girls with autism spectrum disorder and/or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Research in Developmental Disabilities (in press).
Korkman M, Jaakkola M , Ahlroth A, Pesonen AE & Turunen MM. (2004). Screening of developmental disorders in five-year-olds using the Five to Fifteen questionnaire. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. Vol 13. Supplement 3: 31-38.
Lambek, R., Trillingsgaard, A, Kadesjö, B., Damm, D., & Thomsen, P. H. (2010). Gender Differences on the Five to Fifteen Questionnaire in a Non-referred Sample with Inattention and Hyperactivity-Impulsivity and a Clinic-referred Sample with Hyperkinetic Disorder. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology (in press).
Lind, Haataja, L., Rautava, L., Väliaho, A., Lehtonen, L., Lapinleimu, H., Parkkola, R,, Korkman, M. & The PIPARI Study Group (2009). Relations between brain volumes, neuropsychological assessment and parental questionnaire in prematurely born children. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, (in press).
Niklasson L, Rasmussen P, Oskarsdottir S & Gillberg C. (2009) Autism, ADHD, mental retardation and behavior problems in 100 individuals with 22q11 deletion syndrome. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 30: 763-773.
Rydén E & Bejerot, S. (2008) Autism spectrum disorders in an adult psychiatric population. A naturalistic cross-sectional controlled study. Clinical Neuropsychiatry, 5 (1): 13-21.
Stylsvig M. (2008) Forekomsten af erhvervet hjerneskade hos børn og unge samt en prospektiv undersøgelse af adfærdsmæssige følgevirkninger og neuropsykologisk status efter kranietraumerne. Ph.d.-afhandling. Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet. Aarhus Universitet. PHD-1.pdf
Svanborg P, Thernlund G, Gustafsson PA, Hägglöf B, Schacht A, Kadesjö B. (2009) Atomoxetine improves patient and family coping in attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study in Swedish children and adolescents. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry,18(12):725-35.
Trillingsgaard A, Damm D, Sommer S, Jepsen JR, Østergaard O, Frydenberg M & Hove Thomsen P (2004). Developmental profiles on basis of the Five To Fifteen parent questionnaire. Clinical validity and utility of the FTF in a child psychiatric sample. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. Vol 13. Supplement 3: 39-49.
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torsdag 4. februar 2010
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